About us
Did you know ? *
TUSCULUM or yet TUSCULANE is a former city of Lathium 6 k from the north east of FRASCATI situated in the province of ROME.
According to the legend the city of TUSCULUM was created by Télégone the son ofUlysse and Circé
After becoming a driving factor in the creationof the latin league in opposition to Rome it finally joined ROME.
Numerous powerful roman families originated from TUSCULUM., among them Fulvia, Porcia,Juventia,Fontela, Mamilla
TUSCULUM was at the end of the republic or more so at the end of the Empire one of the preferred residences of the wealthy romans such as Ciceron who owned a villa where takes place the dialogue of the TUSCULANES , major philosophical work of this great orator. As well as the great orator L. Licinius Crassus who also owned a villa.
The counts of TUSCULUM , family whose origin belonged toThéophyiacte are closely related to the same exact history of the city. They became the arbitrator of political and religious affairs of ROME, strategical position that they occupied during a long period . A large number of members of this family held the rank of pope between 914 and 1049
The fall of TUSCULUM
In 1183, the army of the borough of ROME attacked the city –state but the Emperor had them return for their safety. April 17 1191 the roman army with the consent of Pope Celestin III and Emperor Henri the Cruel , son of Redbeard , conquered and destroyed the city taking even the stones of the walls of the city –state
Who are we ?
Our company stems from a long line of family workers and engineers which evolve from generation to generation with passion in the building and construction field
Our goal is to bring you the best service possible catering to your needs
We are proud and happy to contribute to your fresh new start in life and the accomplishments of your projects for the future.
Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas …..*
This maxim derives from a famous treaty “de architectura” written by the famous Vittruve to whom was dedicated to the Emperor Augustus
According to the thoughts of Vitrouve architecture is and imitation of nature. Therefore in his treaty he feels that a structure must respond to three essential criteria
That is to say :
Why join these three criteria?
To allow a trouble free installation , without any immoderate inconveniences . To give the work a pleasant and appropriate form
Why have we chosen this maxim?
Our goal is to find you the property that suits you best according to your needs and desires
* source Wikipédia